Dragon Ball Z


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Brief History A thousand years ago, there existed a legendary Saiyan warrior who possessed so much power, that he could transform into a Super Saiya-jin. Although he could only sustain that form when he was an Ozaroo. In fact, he had so much power, he accidentally destroyed himself as a result of an explosion of his own rage.

What is a Super Saiya-jin, and what do they look like? When a Saiyan becomes "super", their hair sticks up, and turns into a golden color, while their body is surrounded by a golden flame. Also, their eyes become bigger, and turn green. Their bodies become larger, and their strength, sight, hearing, speed, agility, endurance, as well as everything else becomes massively boosted with energy, thus becoming nearly invincible. You can think of it as a huge Kaioken. With each progressing level, their hair becomes longer, and their bodies become bigger in build, along with their strength, and everything else.

What it takes to be a Super Saiya-jin From what I have learned during my time of surfing websites, etc., it is said that a Saiyan can only reach such a level only if that person is pure of heart. So why was Vegita capable of becoming one you ask? Well, like I said, a Saiyan must be pure of heart, makes no difference what type of purity it is. Gokuh, who was the first in the Dragon Ball series to become a Super Saiya-jin during his battle with Freiza, was able to become one because he had a heart of pure good. In Vegita's case, at first, his heart was pure evil, but don't worry, later on in the Z series, he becomes a good guy for sure.

Although whatever you may think, this action doesn't first occur at just anytime. Once the Saiyan warrior has reached an appropriate power level, it must be "trigger" somehow. This power is only unvieled when he is in a state of immense anger or rage laced with his/her determination, or will to go on fighting for whatever reason he may have chosen.

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